General business terms


The general terms and conditions regulate the contractual relationship between the clients and Joyful Dogs GmbH.

By signing, the dog owner accepts the terms and conditions in the case of one-off or repeated care.

Changes and agreements are valid in written form only.

In the event of an adjustment to a care model, it is not necessary to sign a new contract each time. The adjustment shall be confirmed by e-mail.

1. duties of the dog care by Joyful Dogs GmbH

The care of the dogs shall be provided in a professional and animal-friendly manner.

In case of illness or accident of the dog during the care or due to the influence of a third party, the dog owner will be informed. In the event of an emergency, Joyful Dogs GmbH will take the dogs to the Bessys Clinic and inform the dog owners.

2. payments

The care fees are to be paid in advance by the 30th of the previous month.

3 Liability / Insurance

Joyful Dogs GmbH has a public liability insurance. However, it is the dog owner's responsibility to insure the dog against accident, illness and liability. If, despite careful care, damage to third parties or property is caused by the dog, the owner can be held liable. Joyful Dogs GmbH is not liable for any damage caused by the dog.

4. keys to the flat and premises

When a key to a flat is handed over, Joyful Dogs GmbH undertakes to keep it with the utmost care. In case of loss of the key, Joyful Dogs GmbH shall be liable.

5. photographic material

The dog owner grants Joyful Dogs GmbH permission to use some photos on the homepage, Facebook LinkedIn, Instagram as well as on comparable portals.

In case of discrepancies between the above english version and the german version of Joyful Dog’s General business terms, the german version supercedes the english version.